Articles & Videos
The Fashionable Molecule for Healthy Longevity
Let's Hold the Gains: What are we learning from COVID-19 crisis and how we see these lessons bearing fruit?
COVID-19: Planning for the future
From Precision Medicine to Precision Health: If we use the phrase “precision medicine” what do you think of?
Tremendous advances, certainly. The ability to distinguish between tumour types at a molecular level and design the cocktail of therapies most likely to combat it is one of the wonders of the last decade.
Translating the Life Sciences into Human Longevity
Barker's business career has included work in both Europe and the US. He worked for McKinsey between 1980 and 1993, where he headed the European Healthcare practice and advised UK, Swiss and US pharmaceutical companies. He also helped establish 'London First', a public/private initiative that aims to enhance London’s status as a global city...