Prof. Richard Barker, BSc, MA, DPhil (Oxon), FRSM, HFBPS, OBE

Richard Barker is a senior leader in the global life sciences sector. His professional interests focus on innovation and translation in precision medicine and precision health, drawing on his 30-year career in senior roles in biopharmaceuticals (Director General of the ABPI, UK and NED at Celgene, US), diagnostics (CEO of Chiron Diagnostics, US) and medical informatics (Global General Manager of IBM Healthcare, UK). He chaired the Population Health section of the recent UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Health Longevity.

His other positions include Co-Founder of two early-stage businesses, Metadvice (healthcare AI) and Innohealth (Asia/Europe biotech licensing), Chairman of the Health Innovation Network, UK and a Non-Executive Director for the Image Analysis Group, UK. He also holds honorary faculty positions at Oxford University, UK and Kings College London, UK.

Richard has published two Oxford University Press books: ‘2030—the future of medicine’ and ‘Bioscience—lost in translation?’ as well as numerous academic papers.